Hello everyone; Last time I wrote about the new games available for free on Kahoot, and this time, I found two new ones. I have tried “Chill Art” and would like to write about my impressions of it. If you are new to Kahoot’s new games, you may want to click here to read the first article. If you are new to Kahoot’s recent games, you might want to read this article.

By the way, the accessible version of this game is available for a limited time (as of January 11, 2023). The website does not seem to announce how long the free version will be available, so we recommend trying it as soon as possible. If you become a premium member, you can usually use it.
Kahoot’s new game mode, “Chill Art”
Chill Art” is, simply put, a game in which each student solves a problem on his or her own device, and the whole class tries to complete a single picture. It’s straightforward, but there is a process of pressing a button called “Press Paintbrush.” You will get a tutorial before playing the game, so it might be more helpful to show it to them.
There are all kinds of art.
We have only done this twice, but everyone gets a choice of four pictures to complete each time. The students vote on which image they want to meet! I thought this was a great idea. I thought this was a great idea. It is very motivating to choose which picture you want to complete by yourself, isn’t it? This time, it just so happened that a Japanese “Katsushika Hokusai” painting was chosen, but it seems that there are also unnamed artworks that are entirely unknown to the students and some famous artworks.

Classroom Video 1
Here is a video of the class. You can see that it seems to be getting better and better.

This game can be time limited. This time I tried 5 minutes. I thought it was a good time for a warm-up. The students were trying their best to solve the problems in their own divisions, and although it was an individual game, they had to contribute to the class, so they all seemed to enjoy the feeling of cooperation.
Complete drawing
After it was over, for some reason, there were cheers of “Oh, wow.” This was the same in the other classes. Apparently, they were able to experience a sense of accomplishment like “I did it! After completion, information such as the picture’s author and the picture’s name also came out.

How was it? During the five minutes we were doing it, relaxing background music played, just like a yoga class. It was kind of a time for the teacher to take a break. How was it? During the five minutes we were doing it, relaxing background music played, just like a yoga class. It was kind of a time for the teacher to take a break.